Monday, August 15, 2011

Basic Six of Genedocs - Innovation for this Millennium

After the Ancestor Outline List, genedocs offers the following organizational tool for your key hardcopy storage files - The File Folder Cover Sheet.  Tabs within the each ancestor's file folder correspond to the sections described in each column for expedited lfinding of specific information.

Next comes the Improved research Log now in its third version whoc is a powerhouse in itself for directing researchers new and old what to gather on it and attach.

Genedocs is constantly cranking out new versions such as the one shown below once a worthwhile improvement has been noted and incorporated effectively.

Most people still have no idea the next astounding innovative form even exists- The Genedocs Hybrid Chart. 

Initially a two generation blending of a pedigree and family group sheet, the Hybrid Chart quickly morphed into an extremely effective all-in-one chart housing not only ancestors portraits as adults and children, but also scanned and legible vital certificates of ancestors.  Sibling lists clearly help with essential lateral branch research... 

Above you can see the Genedocs Hybrid Chart also offers the extreme flexibility of nearly unlimited custom comments for you the compiler to emphasize what means most to you, what pitfalls and hurdles were encountered, and the insights of your discoveries on your quest to learn more.

     The final form of the basic six originated in 2001 planning for a family reunion in Sioux Falls and may become a favorite. The Improved Family Group Sheet:

Not only does the Genedocs Family Group Sheet preserve the images of each ancestor as adult and child, it also keeps up to 24 children of any parent couple on the same page as their parents thanks to its resourceful two sided design.